Jowl Bacon (Guanciale) Ends

Cobblestone Valley Farm

Jowl Bacon (Guanciale) Ends

$4.00 Lb.

Pork jowl is a cut of pork from a pig’s cheek.  Though guanciale may be an unfamiliar word for native English speakers (say it: gwaan-CHAA-lei), there’s nothing difficult about eating the rich and salty Italian cured meat. Also called pork jowl or pork cheek, this cut of meat resembles bacon in that it’s fatty, often gets served thinly sliced, and a little bit goes a long way. Find it on charcuterie boards, wrapped around vegetables, chopped up and tossed with pasta, and served in sandwiches. It’s also sometimes strewn over pizza for a salty, meaty bite.  Nitrate-free.
Sold in ~ 1-lb. packages for $4 ea.
Our pork is raised organically but is not certified.  Our pork, sold both wholesale and retail, is fed on a variety of pasture (during the warmer months), organic
milk, and supplemented with organic grain. All of this makes for an incredibly moist and tasty meat, most unlike what is found in supermarkets today.
They are, however, not certified organic because, due to sourcing constraints, we are only able to source piglets that are not certified organic. Nevertheless, our pigs are raised and managed to organic standards from the moment they arrive on the farm. We raise 3-4 groups of pigs every year; timing is updated via newsletter and
website, according to the piglet availability schedule. Our animals are not vaccinated.
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